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The BEST Fried Rice

Fried rice and I go wayyy back! And by way back I mean circa 2002.
I remember the first time I made fried rice.... My father had recently taken a BBQ course and had introduced our family to the deliciousness that is pork spare ribs marinated in Hoisin sauce, If you haven't tried it STOP EVERYTHING - GO NOW, You can thank me later!! So, one weekend my father suggested we BBQ up his Hoisin pork and that maybe we should make some fried rice to have with it. I was sold! I loved fried rice and I had never made it before so I quickly offered to find a recipe, I've been hooked on homemade fried rice ever since. It's a quick and easy dish that is delicious as a main meal or as a side dish. The recipe has evolved since I first made it but it's still a variation of that first recipe I made.
White Rice - You can use any white rice for this dish however I use Jasmine Rice as it's always in my pantry and because the ever so slightly nutty flavour of jasmine rice goes perfectly with this recipe.
Vegtables - The great thing about fried rice is you can throw anything in. I often just use whatever is in my fridge. My favourite veggies are capsicum, carrots, onion, peas.
Egg - This is optional however it's a great way to get additional protein into the meal. No one in my house is a fan of egg but I fry it up well and break it up into small pieces and no one even notices it's there.
Chicken Breast - Chicken goes perfectly with this dish however you can use any meat or alternatively leave it out. When making this as a side dish I make it without meat.
Garlic - Because it's garlic! Garlic should be in everything, well almost!
Soy Sauce - It wouldn't be fried rice without soy sauce. I only use a small amount but you can add extra to taste.
The Secret Ingredient - Sesame Seeds - Toasted sesame seeds take this dish to the next level. You can easily double or even triple my recommended amount for extra flavour.
1. Cook rice and set aside.
2. Dice vegetables and cut chicken breasts into small cubes 1-2cm.
3. Add 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds to a dry pan (no oil) and a medium heat until brown. This can also be done in a baking dish under the oven grill. Set aside.
4. Combine 1 heaped teaspoon of minced garlic, 1/4 cup of soy sauce. Add chicken and stir to coat.
5. Heat oil in wok and add chicken. Once cooked through set aside in bowl.
6. Heat oil in wok while whisking egg. Add egg to hot wok and using a wooden spoon to break up the egg into small pieces. Once cooked and slightly browned set aside in bowl.
7. Heat oil with 1 teaspoon of minced garlic, add vegetables and cook through.
8. Return chicken and egg to wok with vegetables and stir. Add rice and stir to mix. 
9. Add in two tablespoons of soy sauce and season to taste with pepper. Mix through sesame seeds and serve.

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